Media Monitoring of the Past — Beyond Borders

Leveraging an unprecedented corpus of newspaper and radio archives, Impresso - Media Monitoring of the Past is an interdisciplinary research project that uses machine learning to pursue a paradigm shift in the processing, semantic enrichment, representation, exploration, and study of historical media across modalities, time, languages, and national borders.


Impresso2 is hiring a Postdoc

We are recruiting a Postdoctoral researcher in computational humanities/digital history (28 months) to join our Luxembourg-based team.

Blog posts

We are recruiting a Postdoctoral researcher in computational humanities/digital history to join our Luxembourg-based team. In this role, you will help us achieve Impresso’s goal to link historical newspaper and radio collections across time, countries, modalities and languages and to develop novel interfaces to enable their exploratory and computational analysis.

What exactly does the Impresso project want to achieve with its research objectives in Natural language processing, design and history? What are the technical, conceptual and methodological challenges we face? How can we facilitate secure access to data with respect to copyright restrictions? These questions stood at the core of the first on-site Impresso workshop with partners which took place on 25th and 26th April 2024 at EPFL Lausanne.