23.10 → 25.10 2017 |
Workshop |
Kick-off Meeting and First Workshop (Lausanne) |
We held our first consortium meeting and our first workshop, dedicated to the identification of suitable newspapers and of feasible requirements with regard to Natural Language Processing (NLP) and interface design. More about the event here. |
14.11 → 16.11.2017 |
Internal technical meeting |
Scenarios, design process and first mockups (Belval) |
Following the first user requirements’ collection in Lausanne the month before, the team gathered for a few days at the C2DH in Belval in order to examine usage scenarios, discuss the design process and do the first mockups. Naturally, data processing and system architecture were also on the menu. Take a look at the slides for the event |
08.02 2018 |
Workshop |
Workshop ‘Buttercup’: Historical scenarios and user requirements (Belval) |
For this workshop the C2DH team invited fellow historians from Luxembourg University and collaboratively worked on historical research scenarios, in the same spirit as the first workshop. More about the event here. |
23.02 2018 |
Workshop |
Workshop ‘Edelweiss’: Historical scenarios and user requirements (Basel) |
During this workshop we presented the first syntheses (white and green papers) of requirements gathered during the previous workshops, and collaboratively worked on historical research scenarios to further understand the needs and inform our developments. More about the event here. |
05.07 → 06.07 2018 |
Workshop |
Workshop ‘Laurel’: Epistemology and Early Prototypes (Lausanne) |
During this workshop in Lausanne we gathered feedback on early prototypes and raised epistemological concerns related to the use of digital tools in history. More about the event here. |
11.07 2018 |
Workshop |
Workshop ‘Lavender’: Epistemology and Early Prototypes (Belval) |
During a following workshop we mirrored the agenda of the Laurel workshop for fellow historians in Luxembourg. More about the event here. |
05.09 → 07.09.2018 |
Internal technical Meeting |
Data management, system architecture and interface design (Belval) |
The team met for three days around the topics of annotation and benchmarking, and of data management and processing. |
9.11.2018 |
CC #1 |
Community call #1 on interface design |
impresso community calls are a kind of “virtual brown bag meeting” meant to foster direct exchange between project participants. In this call we presented and discussed search functions (exploration and filtering) as well as personal collection creation and article labeling. Take a look at the slides for this event. |
14.01 → 16.01.2019 |
Consortium and technical meeting |
Mid-term project and technical meeting (Zurich) |
The consortium met in order to assess the general advancement of the project and plan the next steps. The team took a few more days to work together on various technical points. |
5.03.2019 |
Release |
Alpha release of the impresso app. |
This first release of the impresso app included: - The basic version of the interface with 22 Swiss newspapers, mainly in French - Named entities (persons, locations) - Topic models and Topic model explorer - Collection management. More about this release here. |
17.05.2019 |
CC #2 |
Community call #2 on topic modeling |
impresso community calls are a kind of “virtual brown bag meeting” meant to foster direct exchange between project participants. In this call we addressed we gave a short introduction on topic modeling, a popular technique for soft-clustering of text documents. In the presentation we discussed how we apply topic modeling to our large and noisy newspaper corpus and explained the preprocessing and normalization steps we took. Finally, we addressed the integration of topic models in the impresso web application and presented the current state in the beta release and discussed future work. |
22.5.2019 |
Release |
Beta release of the impresso app |
The second release of the impresso app included - Visual search - A redesigned Search function - Data export. More about this release here |
03.07 → 04.07 2019 |
Consortium and Technical meeting |
Consortium and technical meeting (Belval) |
The consortium met in order to discuss the afterlife of the current assets and to identify potential future opportunities. As always, the team took the opportunity for a few days of collaborative work |
09.07 → 12.07.2019 |
Conference |
Impresso at DH2019 in Utrecht |
We discussed and presented our work in two sessions dedicated to digital scholarship and newspapers, organised a workshop on named entity recognition and finally presented a short paper on the remarkable success of HTR models for text recognition in contrast to OCR with ABBYY Finereader. |
12.9.2019 |
Release |
Indian Summer Release of the impresso app |
This release included: <ul><li> The addition of Luxembourgish newspapers </li><li> The arrival of word embeddings in the interface </li><li> The addition of linked named entities </li><li> Improved visual search </li><li> Introduction of Frequently Asked Questions.</li></ul> More about this release here |
28.1.2020 |
Release |
Public release of the Impresso interface |
This release included:<ul><li> The arrival of the Inspect & Compare component </li><li> Further expansion of the corpus </li><li> Introduction of the i-buttons</li><li> Introduction of marginalia.</li></ul> More about this release here |
30.01 → 31.01.2020 |
Workshop |
Arcadia Workshop |
For this small-scale workshop we invited a group of humanities scholars to Luxembourg to discuss how they integrate newspapers in their research. More specifically we discussed the idea of different researcher personas, workflows specific to digitised newspapers and the traceability of digital research. |
23.04 → 24.04 2020 |
Workshop |
Fifth Workshop: Digitised newspapers - a new Eldorado for historians? |
The Eldorado workshop, supported by the Impresso project, will bring together a group of historians, librarians, computer scientists and designers to discuss how digitisation is changing historical research practices. More about this online event here. |
19.05 2020 |
ForumZ |
Forum Z: Reading yesterday’s news in the digital age |
Public-facing online event on digitised newspapers with a presentation of the impresso app, the digitisation activities of the National Library of Luxembourg, hands-on workshops on impresso and introduction to Ranke2. More about this event and watch the recorded videos in the dedicated playlist on the Impresso Youtube channel |
02 - 09 2020 |
Releases |
Silent release |
We used a number of silent releases to publish components, often in early stages of development which have since matured. This includes: <ul><li>the Recommender System</li><li> the Text Reuse explorer</li><li> the N-gram explorer </li><li>and the Powervis explorer</li></ul> |
23.09 2020 |
HIPE Shared Task @ CLEF 2020 |
Impresso organized an international evaluation campaign on NE processing in historical texts, in the frame of the CLEF 2020 Evaluation Labs. The campaign started in Nov 2019 and finished in May 2020. During the final workshop (co-located with CLEF2020), 13 participating teams presented their systems. Place: Thessaloniki, Greece (relocated online). More about this event here. |
27.09 2020 → 02.10 2020 |
Dagstuhl-Seminar 20401 [cancelled due to Covid19] |
Computational Approaches for Digitized Historical Newspapers |
Dagstuhl-Seminar 20401 |